Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

Are You Going To Get Up And Sing Your Song, Or What?

Are you going to sing your song for us...or what? Don't even think about giving us (the Universe) the "OR WHAT" EXCUSE.

You have a unique song in your heart and we want to hear it. We all want to see the inner you. We want to know about your dreams, hopes and desires. Why? Because we all have them too!

The saddest thing for your life or any human being is to have lived and go to your grave with your song still in your heart.

You know. There is a someone within you who wants and NEEDS to come out. No matter what you think about your skills, talents or lack of them you have something to offer to the world.

Sing your song! Achievement in your life starts with the first step of giving what you want to do a try.

You are already a success because you are alive. Does that sound silly? That is being a success because you are alive? NO it is not silly. Because if you are alive you have a future. We want to hear you sing your sweet song. The song that yearns to be sung by you. It is the song in your heart that we are waiting to hear. Don't let us wait for your sweet tune. You are worth it no matter who you are or where you are. OK...ready?...SING YOUR SONG LOUD AND CLEAR!

Read more stuff? Then go to: http://www.writingup.com/blog/RICKIEADULT

Thank you for reading my article!

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